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This plugin registers placeholders to PlaceholderAPI.

These placeholders are intended for use in other plugins and may not function if used in the BedWars configuration. However, they can be utilized in shop.yml and other shop-related files if PlaceholderAPI is installed. Use the slightly modified syntax: %papi.<placeholder_name>% (e.g., %papi.bedwars_all_games_players%).

Global placeholders

  • %bedwars_all_games_players% - Returns the total number of players across all games.
  • %bedwars_all_games_maxplayers% - Returns the total maximum number of players across all games.
  • %bedwars_all_games_anyrunning% - Returns true if any game is currently in running or game_end_celebrating state; otherwise false.
  • %bedwars_all_games_anywaiting% - Returns true if any game is currently in waiting state; otherwise false.

Current information about players

The placeholders in this section are specific to a player, based on the context in which they are used, most commonly the viewer of a message, hologram, etc.

Information about the current game

Some of these placeholders contain a parameter <team_name>. Replace it with the name of the team. For example, if the team name is red, you would use %bedwars_current_game_team_red_bed%.

  • %bedwars_current_game% - Returns the name of the current game.
  • %bedwars_current_game_players% - Returns the number of players in the game.
  • %bedwars_current_game_minplayers% - Returns the minimum number of players required for the game to start.
  • %bedwars_current_game_maxplayers% - Returns the maximum number of players that can join the game.
  • %bedwars_current_game_world% - Returns the name of the world where the arena is located.
  • %bedwars_current_game_state% - Returns the current state of the game. Possible values are: waiting, running, game_end_celebrating, rebuilding, and disabled.
  • %bedwars_current_game_time% - Returns the remaining time in seconds.
  • %bedwars_current_game_timeformat% - Returns the remaining time formatted as MM:SS.
  • %bedwars_current_game_elapsedtime% - Returns the elapsed time in seconds.
  • %bedwars_current_game_elapsedtimeformat% - Returns the elapsed time formatted as MM:SS.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_colored% - Returns the team name in color.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_color% - Returns the team color code as &<legacy color code>.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_ingame% - Returns whether the team is currently playing, as a string: yes or no.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_players% - Returns the number of players in the team.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_maxplayers% - Returns the maximum number of players in the team.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_bed% - Returns whether the team currently has a valid target block, as a string: yes or no.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_bedsymbol% - Returns the colored target block symbol used in SBW's in-game scoreboard.
  • %bedwars_current_game_team_<team_name>_teamchests% - Returns the number of team chests.
  • %bedwars_current_game_running% - Returns true if the game is currently in running or game_end_celebrating state; otherwise false.
  • %bedwars_current_game_waiting% - Returns true if the game is currently in waiting state; otherwise false.
  • %bedwars_current_available_teams% - Returns the number of existing teams.
  • %bedwars_current_connected_teams% - Returns the number of teams currently playing.
  • %bedwars_current_teamchests% - Returns the number of team chests across all teams.

Information about the player's team

  • %bedwars_current_team% - Returns the name of the player's team.
  • %bedwars_current_team_color% - Returns the color of the player's team as &<legacy color code>.
  • %bedwars_current_team_colored% - Returns the team name in color.
  • %bedwars_current_team_players% - Returns the number of players in the team.
  • %bedwars_current_team_maxplayers% - Returns the maximum number of players in the team.
  • %bedwars_current_team_bed% - Returns whether the team currently has a valid target block, as a string: yes or no.
  • %bedwars_current_team_teamchests% - Returns the number of team chests.
  • %bedwars_current_team_bedsymbol% - Returns the colored target block symbol used in SBW's in-game scoreboard.

Game information placeholders

When using these placeholders, replace <game> with the specific game identifier and <team_name> with the name of the team. For example, if the game identifier is game1 and the team name is red, you would use %bedwars_game_game1_team_red_colored%.

  • %bedwars_game_<game>_name% - Returns the name of the game.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_players% - Returns the number of players in the game.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_minplayers% - Returns the minimum number of players required for the game to start.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_maxplayers% - Returns the maximum number of players that can join the game.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_world% - Returns the name of the world where the arena is located.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_state% - Returns the current state of the game. Possible values are: waiting, running, game_end_celebrating, rebuilding, and disabled.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_available_teams% - Returns the number of existing teams.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_connected_teams% - Returns the number of teams currently playing.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_teamchests% - Returns the number of team chests in the game.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_time% - Returns the remaining time in seconds.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_timeformat% - Returns the remaining time formatted as MM:SS.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_elapsedtime% - Returns the elapsed time in seconds.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_elapsedtimeformat% - Returns the elapsed time formatted as MM:SS.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_colored% - Returns the team name in color.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_color% - Returns the team color code as &<legacy color code>.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_ingame% - Returns whether the team is currently playing, as a string: yes or no.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_players% - Returns the number of players in the team.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_maxplayers% - Returns the maximum number of players in the team.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_bed% - Returns whether the team currently has a valid target block, as a string: yes or no.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_bedsymbol% - Returns the colored target block symbol used in SBW's in-game scoreboard.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_team_<team_name>_teamchests% - Returns the number of team chests.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_running% - Returns true if the game is currently in running or game_end_celebrating state; otherwise false.
  • %bedwars_game_<game>_waiting% - Returns true if the game is currently in waiting state; otherwise false.

Statistics placeholders

Player stats placeholders

Custom leaderboards

You can create custom leaderboards using placeholders to display player statistics in various ways. To achieve this, consider using the ajLeaderboards plugin with the placeholders listed below. This allows for greater flexibility beyond what the BedWars plugin offers.

The placeholders in this section are specific to a player, based on the context in which they are used, most commonly the viewer of a message, hologram, etc.

  • %bedwars_stats_deaths% - Returns the number of deaths.
  • %bedwars_stats_destroyed_beds% - Returns the number of destroyed beds.
  • %bedwars_stats_kills% - Returns the number of kills.
  • %bedwars_stats_loses% - Returns the number of losses.
  • %bedwars_stats_score% - Returns the total score.
  • %bedwars_stats_wins% - Returns the number of wins.
  • %bedwars_stats_games% - Returns the total number of games played.
  • %bedwars_stats_kd% - Returns the kill/death ratio.

Any player stats placeholders

When using these placeholders, replace <player> with the specific player's name. For example, if the player's name is Misat11, you would use %bedwars_otherstats_Misat11_deaths%.

  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_deaths% - Returns the number of deaths.
  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_destroyed_beds% - Returns the number of destroyed beds.
  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_kills% - Returns the number of kills.
  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_loses% - Returns the number of losses.
  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_score% - Returns the total score.
  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_wins% - Returns the number of wins.
  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_games% - Returns the total number of games played.
  • %bedwars_otherstats_<player>_kd% - Returns the kill/death ratio.